To whom it may concern-
This morning I was listening to the radio on my way to work, as I often do in the morning, to catch up on current news events and I was very displeased with the conversation that was being had. The conversation had nothing to do with current events. I feel like I lost brain cells just by listening and not changing the channel. The DJs were talking about things that society views as making people appear smart. Which is ridiculous. I'm going to start with a short summary of their discussion and then tell you my exact thoughts on each subject. Here we go:
Now, I turn on the radio and the first thing I hear is, "Some people believe that wearing glasses make them look smarter... So I googled what other weird things make people look smarter!"
Now a few things about that, MOST people wear glasses to help so that they can see better... others wear them as fashion accessories. But guys, no matter whether you wear glasses or not, that doesn't have anything to do with how smart you are. The End.
At this point I am thinking, "Why don't I change the channel?" But I don't because some sick bit of curiosity makes me keep listening.
Then the DJ starts to go through this list. Here's what they were:
1) When someone can't/won't keep up with the pack of people. So that means that if someone is walking too fast or too slow, they're seen as dumb. Which WOAH. Dude. That has nothing to do with anything. Some people just aren't in a hurry to get somewhere or are tired or heaven forbid are running late or have something important to get done in a timely manner. Does that make them stupid? Apparently.
2) Drinking. Basically if someone is drinking, they look like they're stupid. And I definitely don't agree. I know some brilliant people who drink. A lot. And that doesn't make them stupid. That makes them look like they make different life decisions than me. Definitely not stupid.
3) Writing with your middle initial. Now, guys. I gotta admit. This one might okay. Sydney A. Ippolito DOES look more professional than Sydney Ippolito BUT not using my middle initial does NOT make me look stupid. If any written work is written well, it should not be judged differently if there's a middle initial in the signature.
4) Not using big words. This one was the most controversial in the studio. The article they were citing (I will put a link below) states that big words should be avoided so as to not look like you're trying too hard. Well, what if I just have a big vocabulary? Does that mean that I have to LIMIT myself to make other people think that I am smarter by NOT being as smart as I really am?! I find this utterly ridiculous and so did 2 of the 3 DJs. The third DJ (let's call them Sam) was very adamant that there should be only one word to describe how one is feeling i.e. Happy, Sad, Angry. While the other two DJs argued with Sam about how there are different words for each feeling and how each feelings are different. Sam was not having any of this and was insistent that angry would suffice if someone was livid.
This whole ridiculous conversation filled me with rage. WHY should someone have to limit themselves to look smart in front of other people? Why do other people have to change who they are to LOOK smart. Isn't it more important to BE smart? I would rather read a book than be SEEN reading a book. What is happening in this world? Since when is it more important to LOOK smart than to BE smart. Professional and smart are two different things. Just because someone is in a suit, with glasses, walking with the pack, not drinking alcohol, writing with their middle initial, and speaking with small words doesn't mean they're smart. It really doesn't mean anything at all.
- Sydney the Destroyer of All Things Nice
The stupid article: