To whom it may concern-
Kids are scary. Anyone that is purely excited to have a kid and not absolutely terrified is lying or crazy. Now, I only know these things through my parents and having a bunch of little brothers and sisters, and hey, maybe it gets easier after the first one and yeah... But I don't know. There's this little (often cute often not) human that can't do anything for itself. You literally have to feed and bathe and change its diaper and put it to sleep and the list goes on. That's scary. You could accidentally kill this little being by falling asleep at an inopportune moment. They're fragile. They're real. They're a whole lot of responsibility that I am not ready for. I can't even imagine having a kid right now in my life. There is so much I want to do and accomplish for myself and a kid is definitely not going to help me get where I want to go right now. It's also really hard for me to think about physically having a child when there are so many children that need homes. It's like getting a purebred dog vs. a rescue in a very horrible analogy. And I'm sure that my thoughts on this will change and alter and such and my ego will take over and I will say something like, "I'm not leaving this world without leaving a piece of me here!" and such but right now, it just seems like there are things that need to be done that don't involve a tiny thing screaming. Now. I think babies are adorable. Like CA-UTE. But I am not going to go out of my way to make a child my friend. It makes me uncomfortable. Just like I wouldn't force an adult to LIKE MEEEEE I am not going to force a kid. If a kid doesn't want to talk to me, I don't make them. They are, after all, tiny adults. They appreciate being treated as such. They really don't want to be spoken to in that baby voice. They probably just think you're mocking them. In conclusion. Babies are scary and no one should ever be in a rush to have them because once you do, you will lose all of your independence and your life will be a series of events that blur until you get your full 8 hours of sleep when they're 12.
-Sydney the Destroyer
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